
Connection Groups

The author of Hebrews encourages us not to meet for services and go our separate ways, but to consider how to energize each to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24-25). We believe this happens in the context of authentic relationship with one another, which requires time and honest conversation.

Connection groups are a safe place to ask questions and to build relationships with other students. They are same gender, led by a student leader, and meet in dorms/apartments across our city.


At the International Friendship Connection (IFC), we are from many different countries all over the world. A caring, supportive, and helpful community of friends, we help others experience love, hope, and meaning in their lives.

– Do you feel that Ames is not yet your new home?
– Are you looking for fun things to do?
– Are you seeking to learn about the real purpose of life through knowing God?

COME JOIN US! IFC is a fellowship of international and American friends who seek to serve and support international students, scholars and their families, sponsored by Cornerstone Church of Ames. We are continually working hard to makes Ames feel like a “home away from home” for many who are so far away from their own families.